Mobit GenAI

A new AI chat is available on Mobitru. The purpose of the Mobit GenAI feature is to make your work with mobile applications more effective. With the help of the feature of the Mobitru platform, routine tasks will become more exciting, you save much time, and you will have a chance to generate new creative ideas for developing and testing your application.

How does the AI chat work on Mobitru? Shortly, you need to take at least one screenshot of the application you want to generate documentation for, write a prompt and choose one of the assistants. Below, you will find detailed instructions on the feature.

Need to know before start

You should consider the following moments before starting work in the AI chat:

  • Availability: not every account includes the feature. To have it, your team need to choose the appropriate subscription.
Upgrade plan to activate Mobit GenAI
  • AI Systems: the current version supports communication based on EPAM DIAL and OpenAI API and the access key is needed from one of the systems.

How to start using AI chat on Mobitru

You can start Mobit GenAI when the subscription is ready for your account and you receive an access key from the EPAM DIAL or OpenAI API.

  1. Start the device

Navigate to the Devices or Favorites to initiate a device session. Hover over a device and click on Start. The Mobit GenAI tab will open by default.

Mobit GenAI steps: EPAM Dial and OpenAI API.
  1. Add API Key

The feature will become available when you enter and apply the key provided by the DIAL or OpenAI API systems. For this, click on Add API Key. The following modal opens where you need to paste the key value and click on Apply:

AI API Key management

If you click Cancel, the modal closes and the process does not go further.

If you need to remove or change the key, this option is available on the following screen of the feature.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The Mobitru platform does not keep the key on its side. The Local storage of your browser contains the value till you log out.

  1. Install a native or hybrid app or open a web application on the device.

To install an application, you can use the Application management tab. Or you can use the App Store and Google Play.

AI chat elements

The feature has the following elements in the initial state:

  • API Key settings for removing or adding the key from DIAL or OpenAI API.
  • Two bars with hints on the required steps. They disappear, as soon as you take at least one screenshot of the application.
  • Screenshot management
  • Prompt area
  • Assistants
  • Start button
Mobit GenAI elements

Screenshots in Mobit GenAI

Test and development documentation will be based on your app’s screenshots and changes between them. You can take up to 5 screenshots. When you take a screenshot, the counter changes to the number of images you can add. To remove a screenshot, use the Reset all button in the top right corner of the tab. Note that all the screenshots and results will be removed.

How to manage screenshots in Mobit GenAI


The field for entering prompts becomes enabled when you take at least one screenshot. You can either type your prompt or use one of the suggested variants above the field. Also, you can choose a prompt from the Mobitru team and edit it according to your needs.

AI prompts field and ready-to-use prompts


In the dropdown, you can find three assistants. You need to choose whose help you want to receive – a Manual QA, Automation QA, or Developer. Based on your choice, the results may differ.

Dropdown with Mobit GenAI assistant

Reset all button

The following data will be cleared if you choose Reset all:

  • Screenshots
  • Results

The following configurations remain intact:

  • Chosen role
  • Entered prompt

AI Results

The assistant starts generating results after clicking on the Start button:

Start Mobit GenAI button

During AI work, it is impossible to take screenshots, reset data, remove the API key, edit the prompt or choose another role – the buttons are disabled:

Mobit GenAI generating a response.

When the result is ready, you can copy it:

Copying a Mobit GenAI result

There is the cost information above the prompts. The Mobitru platform does not control this cost, it is third-party information from DIAL or OpenAI API.

AI operation cost

Need to remember

The screenshots and results are available during your device session. As soon as the device session ends, the artefacts will disappear. Do not forget to copy and save them.

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