Biometric authentication

You can send an authentication request (Face Id, Touch Id) to your application on the Mobitru device.

Biometric authentication availability

The Biometric authentication feature is supported for native applications on iOS devices only.

Biometric authentication request steps

To use the Biometric authentication feature, watch the video or follow the steps under it:

  1. Upload your .ipa file to the Install App tab.
Uploaded application
  1. Click on Install -> Choose the App Re-signing and Image Injection checkboxes -> Choose Start installation.
Checkboxes that should be chosen during installation
  1. Open the installed application.
Installed application
  1. Choose the Face Id or Touch Id feature.
A feature that requires Touch ID or Face ID
  1. Click on the Biometric Authentication button.
Biometric Authentication button
  1. Choose the request:
    • Success to make a valid request.
    • Fail to make an invalid request.
Success and Fail buttons to make a request

Error messages

If you missed a step, you might face one of the following error messages:

If you did everything according to the instruction, but the feature fails, contact

Information for developers

You can add our framework to your test builds. To find out the details, contact

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