Appium Inspector in the Device area
Appium Inspector is an open-source tools that allows to find and interact with UI elements, record actions, send commands to the OS.
One of the steps to start using the Appium Inspector and Mobitru integration is to provide the desired capabilities. You can take this information in the Appium Inspector section. For this, start the device session, and navigate to the Automation tools tab.
Appium Inspector tab elements
In the Appium Inspector tab, you can find the following blocks:
- The block that navigates to the full documentation on Appium Inspector and Mobitru integration;
- The block contains capabilities and the Copy button.
Desired capabilities
You can find the following capabilities for devices in the Appium Inspector tab:
- udid
- platformName
- automationName
- keepDevice
- appiumVersion
Note that the appPackage and appActivity capabilities are required, and you have to add them by yourselves.
More info about the Appium Inspector and Mobitru integration
Navigate to the complete guide on the Appium Inspector usage on Mobitru or watch the video instruction on the feature: