Device area elements

When you start a device, the Device area opens. It has the following elements:

  • Back button: collapse the device to navigate to another tab on the platform.
  • Session timer: track how much time is left until the end of the session.
  • Quality settings information: quality is important to check if you are facing a performance issue.
  • Device name: check what device you are working on.
  • Quick access toolbar: all the main features for quick work are at your disposal.
  • Pane: Mobit GenAI, installation, web development tools, GPS emulation, and other important features are here.
  • Refresh button: click here if a device is slow to react.
  • Network identification: hover over it to see our recommendations regarding your network.
  • End session button: finish your device session if you do not need the device anymore.
  • Device: interact with the device by mouse-clicking/swiping/scrolling.
  • Navigation controls: additional buttons that should help to navigate in the device.
  • Context menu: right-click with your mouse to use the actions collected in the menu.
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