What’s new in v5.2.0
QR/Barcode scanning for Android applications
Meet a new possibility for mobile testing on Android devices – QR/Barcode scanning. The steps are easy: install your application, upload your image and choose the QR/Barcode feature in your application.

The feature is also available for iOS applications.
Biometric authentication on Android
When you need to develop or test scenarios that include face or fingerprint authentication in your Android application, you can use the Mobitru platform now. After the app installation, you need to choose what requests you want to send to the application – Success or Fail.

The feature is also available for iOS applications.
iOS 17.5 Beta 1
Devices running iOS 17.5 Beta 1 are available on the platform for your work.
Keyboard shortcuts tab
You can utilize the combinations of buttons we collected in the Keyboard shortcuts tab to make your work on the platform quicker. The tab consists of 2 sections: macOS and Windows. Some buttons are presented as icons – if the icon is not clear for you, hover over it and you will see a tooltip with its description.

Quota emails
It is important for managers and leads to control their team’s subscription quota. We implemented two new emails for people with the Manager role in the Team account:
- when the team reaches the quota and cannot use it further as overage is forbidden for them according to their subscription;
- when the team reaches the quota and continues using the platform.
Low-performance mode modal
Last release we announced that a device will switch to the low-performance mode automatically if anything is wrong with establishing connection between the device and our new approach. We did an improvement for this feature – a modal informing about the mode will appear in 30 seconds if the platform detects the problem.

Idle timeout
The session idle timeout used to be 10 minutes which was not enough for tasks sometimes according to users’ feedback. Now we increased the timeout duration up to 30 minutes.
Watch the overview of the released features in our channel: