What’s new in v5.6.0
Mobitru released features related to app installation on iOS devices and prepared many other improvements for your successful work on the platform. Below, you can read the more detailed report on Release 5.6.0.
Preinstalled applications on Apple devices
On Mobitru, only Android devices used to have such preinstalled applications as VPN, additional browsers, and others. Now, iPhones and iPads have several applications from scratch: Global Protect, Pulse Secure (Ivanti), Chrome, Firefox, and TestFlight. If other applications are necessary as preinstalled, you can use an Apple ID to install an app from the App Store or contact support@mobitru.com.

Enterprise apps installation
The verification used to fail for some applications as Apple checks influenced apps with the enterprise profile. Now, you can install such apps on Mobitru devices. We added one more checkbox – Enterprise app. The re-sign does not happen for the application, which saves the features linked to iOS entitlements.

Network conditions
Mobitru devices’ response is real-time, but sometimes, there may be situations when you notice delays, pauses, and loadings in interaction with the device. Of course, it may be our problem, but your Internet connection can influence performance. We suggest you check the additional network condition identifier in the Device area.

Recording for Vividus
Find a new capability for Vividus – it allows recording on Mobitru devices. The output recording will be attached to the report.
Remote debugging with Apptim and Mobitru Connect
Read the article on how to use Mobitru Connect and Apptim for performance analysis on real devices of the Mobitru platform.
Personal account changes
The changes will be applied to Personal accounts starting on September 1, 2014:
- Mobit GenAI – enabled.
- The monthly quota is 60 minutes instead of 500 minutes.
- The session duration on Premium devices is 3 minutes instead of 15 minutes.
- The session duration on other devices is 10 minutes instead of 3 hours.
The change does not relate to Team accounts.
Statistics update
When anything changes in your subscription, further usage will have another colour in Statistics. You will see the old and new subscriptions dates.

Saved image injection state
If you have installed an application with the Image injection option, Mobitru saves this application as an injected copy. Next time, the installation will be much quicker if you install this copy, as it has already been resigned and injected. The feature works for iOS and Android.

iOS entitlements
We added a note informing you that installation with re-signing removes iOS entitlements. Such features as push notifications will be absent in the application. You can add the Mobitru devices to the development program to avoid re-signing.

Disabled Appium Inspector
There is a notification that Appium Inspector is disabled for subscriptions that do not include automation. However, you can still use Native Inspector with such a subscription.

Video release notes on YouTube
Watch our video about v5.6.0 updates on the Mobitru YouTube channel: