App installation
In this section, we collected your questions about ways of app installation, and issues you faced during your work.
On Mobitru, you can upload and install an .ipa or .apk file in the Application management tab. Or you can use your credentials to install and log in applications from App Store and Google Play.
Here is an article from Apple how to create the Apple ID on various devices.
On iOS devices, Mobitru re-signs your applications with the Mobitru profile if you select the Re-sign checkbox during the app installation.
There is an Image injection checkbox for testing Biometric authentication (iOS and Android) and QR/Barcode scanning (iOS and Android). In this case, we add our framework to make this testing possible.
Re-sign is for iOS only. It is to embed the Mobitru provisioning profile into the installed app.
iOS entitlements are removed when an application is re-signed. So that, PUSH notification/iCloud/Apple card don’t work properly.
To avoid this situation, add Mobitru devices to your developer profile, rebuild the app and install it on the Mobitru device.
This error may randomly appear when you click on the icon of the freshly installed application on iOS devices. You navigate to the device settings and try to verify the app, but nothing changes. It happens because the application uses the Apple online provisioning profile, and its verification does not pass on the Apple side (many applications face this issue).
How to solve it?
There are several ways:
1) Use the offline provisioning profile for your application. However, there is the following pitfall in this case: such an application will work for a week, and then it should be rebuilt again.
2) Use bookings. The steps will look like this:
1. Book a device
2. Start the device when the booking has begun
3. Install the app
4. Open the app
5. If the verification fails, end the device session (the booking remains active)
6. Start the device session one more time
7. Open the app (you do not need to install it once again, as devices do not clear during the booking time)
8. If needed, navigate to Settings -> General -> VPN and Device Management to verify the app.
3) Use dedicated devices. The steps will be the same as in the workaround with bookings.
Dedicated devices are the ones that are available for your Team only on Mobitru.